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Showing posts from May, 2017

#MyNoWriMo Update... Writing is a Celebration Ten days into #MyNoWriMo , each of us have had our epiphanies, our writing triumphs and challenges and multiple mini-celebrations. The best part of this initiative is that it is completely flexible. We are all working on our own WIPs, with our own targets. Sue is working on a series of short stories while I am writing a 50,000 word book that I had been procrastinating about for a year. Ruchi is working on a half-finished novella while Vandana has breathed new life into her historical novel. Esha Pandey, the newest member of our group -- please say hello to  policewoman, mum of two and romance writer -- had a semi-finished WIP. But after she joined us on Day 5 of #MyNoWriMo she has already powered through another 6000 words and we have just celebrated the Tenth Day of our Writing Initiative. So, over to the Magnificent Seven Writers who tell us about their learnings.... Saiswaroopa Iyer:...

#MyNoWriMo - Because all manuscripts don't get written in November!

If you are a writer you probably know about NaNoWriMo. Unless of course you have been living under a rock or have been writing away furiously in your Writing Cave. In the latter case, you probably have no need for a NaNoWriMo! Of course for lesser mortals who are juggling day jobs and household chores and dreaming about writing that wonderful novel that has been playing out in our heads, NaNoWriMo is just what the Muse ordered. A whole month you can prep for (and it comes in November) and work on your manuscript. The sheer thought of millions of writers plugging away at their manuscripts all over the world is itself hugely inspiring. But.... (yes, the dreaded 'but') life always doesn't always turn out as planned and for many of us, writing simply doesn't happen in November. So, what's the alternative? Well, what if you could create your own Novel Writing Month and join hands with some writer buddies for the much needed writing support? That's an idea wort...